
Microsoft Edge Browser To Get Free Limited VPN

There's a big change coming to the Microsoft Edge browser.  Big enough that it may prompt some users to switch to Edge. Recently, Microsoft announced that they'll be adding a free built-in ...

Many IOT Devices At Risk Due To DNS Vulnerability

How many "smart" devices do you have connected to your home or company network?  It's probably a higher number than you originally estimated.  However large that number is, it pays to be ...

Users Without Internet Explorer Updates Are Vulnerable To Malware

Researchers at Bitdefender have discovered a new malware campaign.  This one uses an attack method that has fallen out of favor in recent months, called the Exploit Kit. Exploit Kits used to ...

Google Assistant Tool Will Automate Password Changes

A handy new Google Assistant is coming soon to a device near you.  The new feature is designed to automate the frustrating and often time-consuming task of changing your passwords after a ...

 Amazon Kindle Will Soon Support ePub Standard Files

Do you own an Amazon Kindle?  If so, you're probably already aware of one of the major frustrations with the product.  Kindles are amazing but they don't support the epub file format. ...

Google Soon Informing Users About What Data Apps Collect

A small but important change is coming to your Android apps.  Soon you'll notice a new Data Safety section on the Google Play Store which will provide greater transparency about exactly what ...

Some Windows 11 Upgrade Links Could Be Malware

There's a new hacking campaign underway that you need to be aware of especially if you or anyone you know is interested in upgrading to Windows 11. The campaign appears to be ...


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